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ZAKFEST 2021 was held at Spring Grove North Park in Westerville, OH, and was a beautiful sunny day with approximately 50 people in attendance.  There was food, games, fun, and A LOT of wind!  When Zak worked at Classic's he created the Sweet Meat BBQ Pizza so of course we had some of those for everyone to try!  There was even ZAKFEST merchandise:  pint glasses, lipbalms, tumblers, koozies and of course Zak's wristbands.  There was such a great mix of friends and family.  Amy's Aunt Bevie came all the way from Arizona!   It was a really great day of laughter, memories, and new beginnings.

Amy and Jackie planned it not having much of an idea of what they were doing.  All they knew was that they had an idea to keep Zak's memory alive and to benefit the kids who fish.  So they recruited friends and family,  put the word out on social media,  and what do you know......

ZAKFEST raised $2300 for the WSMS Fishing Club!  



Some of Zak's friends from his childhood came out to celebrate!  His best friend growing up, Louis, and his first girlfriend, Chynna, came and brought their families too!

Also joining the fun were Zak's cheerleading friends, Jen (T-bomb) and Abby.

Amy watched these kids grow up so it was so nice to see them and hear what they are doing now that they are all grown up!

Zak's best buddy, Brooke, slipped away from Classic's to spend time with everyone and share lots of hugs and tears!

Joe and Eszter Zakfest 2021.jpg


So many of Amy and Jackie's friends came out to celebrate and support the cause.  Some of them had never even met Zak, but felt like they knew him from all the stories they had heard!


Several of Amy's friends from high school came out to celebrate and honor Zak too!

Jackie and Donna Zakfest 2021.jpg
Dwignt with check 2021.jpg

Become a ZAKFEST Sponsor!

If you are a company or individual who is interested in contributing to ZAKFEST 2022- we welcome your support!  We are looking for corporate and individual sponsors, as well as silent auction donations.  The Zak M. Davis Memorial Foundation is established as a non-profit with the Ohio Secretary of State's Office and is an IRS 501(c)3. 

Please contact us to join the fun!

On behalf of Zak's family, we thank you for your support!

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